Concerns |
Another development planned for Elfin Forest!! 99 virgin acres of rare coastal sage west of Paint Mountain Road and north of Escondido Creek has been targeted for suburban development. Estates Seven,LLC has proposed 36, 1 ac lot homes w/ 46.52 ac of open space. This project calls for clustering of homes on smaller lots than currently allowed with a section of deeded open space. This is somewhat misleading as much of the land has already been placed in open space easements and can not be built on. The project area is currently zoned a mix of ECA (environmental constrained area), EDA (estate development area ) and open space. According to County Planner Jeff Murphy (858-694-3691) clustering is only allowed in EDA zoned areas. Access is via Calle Point Bella off of Seven Bridges Rd. The County of San Diego is currently "scoping" the proposed project, a cling on to the massive Bridges development of Rancho Santa Fe. (Many of us Foresters are currently in litigation w/ The Bridges regarding access rights to Surete Del Este, the dirt road to school.) Scoping involves preliminary review with an eye for further studies that can include an EIR (environmental impact report), wildlife/bird counts, traffic, and mitigation issues, etc. Please note this is preliminary information and is subject to change. Please write to Jeff Murphy stating your views on this development at The County of Sand Diego, Dept. of Planning and Land Use, 5201 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123, reference TM 5239.It is my personal belief this proposed development is not consistent with the general plan, nor is it consistent with the objectives of GP 2020, the county's draft of the general plan update. Further this proposed plan is an excellent example of what is not appropriate in a rural area and represents the worst of urban sprawl, poor planning and land use. It is a vomit of suburbia in one of the last areas of pristine and almost extinct coastal sage scrub. A tributary to Escondido Creek would be destroyed and the water quality of Escondido creek could be further impacted. Their are also no services near the site, i.e. grocery stores, gas stations, public transportation, etc. It would generate more traffic in an area that suffers level of service F on a daily basis on all of it's major roads. Finally, for the sake of brevity, this represents stupid growth, serves no useful purpose except to line some developers pocket with blood money, blood money of innocents, human and otherwise. Oh, I almost forgot, this development would take out miles of existing trails with no plan to replace them.Please write Jeff Murphy at the county today!! Thank you, Nancy Reed The coastal sage is shrinking faster than we realize...more What a day it was @ the Board of Supervisors! The old foes were out in mass with the developers v. environmental soldiers dukin' it out. Some things never change. I ran into Jack Orr who fought against the incorporation of Encinitas. He is now championing the "property rights" cause. I am not fooled by his talk-- he is a developer, plain and simple. Onto the news. Supervisor Jacobs make the following motion which was added to by Horn and others:
Comments by Horn & Roberts were decidedly predevelopment; Slader pro environment and Cox and Jacobs middle of the road. The Planning Dept is to come back in 90 days w/ a status report.So, here is my report on the latest GP 2020 theater. You have my permission to send it to others as you see fit. Sincerely, Nancy Reed nancy@elfinforest.net
GP2020 Community Outreach GP 2020 is a proposal to rezone the unincorporated areas of the county. It will take effect in 3 years. You'll get to see maps and draft alternatives. If you can't attend, you can see some of the materials at www.sdcdplu.org and www.sangis.org. Questions can be directed to Michelle Yip 858-694-3608. GP2020 will have an important impact on Elfin Forest's future. ----------------- SAN ELIJO HILLS or HELL? San Marcos’ massive development San Elijo “Hills” is seeking to add tens-of-thousands of daily trips to their previously approved 44,001 vehicle trip Specific Plan. By processing multiple changes under the guise of a “minor revision”, they hope for the rubber stamp that bypasses enviromental review and traffic mitigation. San Elijo targets traffic at failed Rancho Santa Fe Rd., the County, Encinitas, Carlsbad, and our freeways. Escondido is hit too. The additional traffic and Revisions are NOT minor. - Commercial is reconfigured from one to two commercial centers, not counting further allowances for the enlarged 7 ac.“church” site to convert to a 3rd and 4th commercial site. - A 10 acre site serving an elementary school serving the community changes to a 20 acre middle school which services half the city. - The city park gains 5 more acres of intensified use and night lighting. - The revised phasing plan pushes back essential infrastructure. - Roads are narrowed and onsite parking is descreased. - “Permitted uses” are revised to include many more traffic intensifying options such as the following: - Institutional areas are permitted for commercial use. - Residential sites permit increased densities along with churches and day care. - Patio home sites permit 3 story multi-family or low income units. - 1800+ houses are permitted detached little houses called “Casitas”. - Public serving sites can build additional homes instead. - Regional hiking trails and park can be changed into a golf course. - The old cap of 3398 units can be exceeded, etc. What we have here is an intensified traffic-producing core surrounded by puzzle pieces that can be switched, at whim, for higher traffic producing uses. San Elijo hit the rubber stamp lottery with the Planning Commission which said revisions are minor and unworthy of environmental or in depth review. Approval by the City Council is next. We must speak up! This affects every North County driver. Plaese demand full disclosure of impacts, complete traffic review and mitigation, or that this plan for San Elijo Hell be dropped entirely. Contact San Marcos Mayor & City Council at 1Civic Center Dr, San Marcos, Ca 92069 (760) 744-1050 ex. 3145