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DATE:                        Jan. 3, 2001

MEMBERS PRESENT:            Evelyn Alemanni, Linda Hamilton, Elizabeth Wood, Patti Newton, Doug Dill, Nancy Reed

CALL TO ORDER:            7:35 p.m.

ITEM #7:        GP 2020:  On Jan. 10, the County Board of Supervisors will host a workshop.  Eric Anderson plans to attend, as does Nancy Reed.  The county has offered to make a presentation to the community, one we will accept in the not-too-distant future.


ITEM #8:        Terry Halbertson, Animal Control, has requested that interested parties participate in a fire drill in our area this coming April.  They can  "rescue" your animals or provide animals to you for that purpose.  A number of residents have expressed interest -- the town council will contact Terry for more information.


ITEM #9:        Nancy Reed is continuing to plan for a neighborhood "Tack Sale" to be held in conjunction with the fire auxiliary pancake breakfast in May.


ITEM #10:      Town Council Nominations:  There are two positions open on the town council board.  Kim Hunter nominated Michael Garrison and Mid Hopenrath.  Evelyn Alemanni nominated Bill Talesco.  Their bios will be included in the Jan. Chaparral.


ITEM:             Michael Garrison presented his proposed 40-acre development project called Redhawk. It is comprised of 13 lots (the 13th is a 13-acre parcel identified as mitigation for open space).  Perc tests are being evaluated and the environmental issues are in process.  Individual lots will be sold as custom home sites.  Some deed restrictions will apply, e.g., a height limit is under consideration to disallow two-story dwellings.


ITEM #12:      Pulte/Coastal Farms Proposal:  Jim Simmons, Consultants Collaborative, represented Lou Sabatasso, Tom Utman of Pulte/Coastal Farms.  The 69-acre parcel, currently owned by Max Altmann, is adjacent to San Elijo Hills on the north side of Questhaven Road, and the proposed Quail Ridge project, to the south.  The EIR in process deals with the original proposal for 264 homes.  After exhaustive meetings with community representatives, the project being presented today is an alternative to that proposal which met with strenuous opposition.  This plan proposes 131 homes on 25 acres (which would require annexation into San Marcos).  The homes would be clustered adjacent to SEH; the remainder (45 acres) would be left as open space (presumably deeded to TECC) and would remain in the unincorporated area.  This project would require acquisition of approximately 15 acres of coastal sage scrub, which the developer says, would be purchased in CSA 107 if available.  In addition, the developer agreed to mitigate the loss of tax revenue to the EF/HG FD.


ITEM #13:      Brookfield Homes/University Commons:  David Poole represented the  four property owners and updated the community on University Commons.  In 1991, the San Marcos City Council approved the Tentative Map and the EIR for the project on 416 acres.  After some background information, Poole presented the revised project.  The business park (La Costa Meadows) will be expanded by 12 acres.  There will be single family housing on the north and south sides, affordable housing, and a 33-acre park (where the existing "motocross" is), which abuts SEH.  Although the owners prefer the previous, much higher density version, this alternative is being presented to San Marcos.  To date, there are three plans, one with  1,700 dwelling units, one with 1,200 d/u, and one with 800 d/u.  The third, Poole's plan, eliminated the commercial and added the industrial.  The EIR is expected next month.


ADJOURNED:  9:20 p.m.